
Exhausted but Proud, Hugh Jackman Retires His Sequins: "ITH its pharmacopeia of teas, powders, pills and soothing cinnamon candles, Hugh Jackman's dressing room at the Imperial Theater is little more than a pit stop for his eight-times-a-week endurance marathon. Singing in 20 of the 27 numbers in 'The Boy From Oz,' he is onstage for all but three or four minutes. Critics reviewing the opening last October were glad of his omnipresence, applauding his Broadway debut as the flamboyant performer and songwriter Peter Allen, while panning almost everything else about the show, especially its schematic and sometimes cringe-inducing book. But Mr. Jackman's charm made the production (which improved with time) a hit anyway; when it closes next Sunday, after 32 previews and 365 regular performances, it will have recouped its initial investment of $8.25 million on gross ticket sales of more than $42 million. Astonishingly, when Mr. Jackman sat down for a conversation a few weeks before closing, he had not missed even one of those performances, a feat that gave him, he said, a masochistic thrill but had also taken its toll."

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