
Ever have a song stuck in your head?

Well, thanks to Mike, I'm currently being tortured by "Cheney's Got a Gun."

At least it's funny, which is better than the other song that has made its insidious way into my subconscious mind via that Chase credit card commerical.."I'm 22 for a moment, and she's feels better than ever, and we're on fire..."

Oh Christ, now they're dueling for dominance.


Johnny_Canuck said...

Hmm came here to post about the Cheney's got a gun thing, and ..too late, here it is LOL

Mt parents should have named me dollar short and a day late...

'Buckshy Inarrears' at your service


Michael Markowitz said...

The worst is -- and this may put another song in your head -- that hair product commercial with the tinky tink piano and the "woo hoo!" over and over, as models get frizzy hair in fast motion. It's an Excedrin headache that lasts for at least 48 hours.

Anonymous said...

whats that song called?