
The First Four To Go.

I told Sheila last night that if Brenna was voted off I would be so thrilled that it wouldn't matter to me who ultimately won, just that she most definitely would not.

Alas, it was not to be. My one consolation is that she seems to be universally despised. Becky pulled away from her hug, even though they were roomies; Katharine and Lisa's jaws were on their respective laps when she came and sat back down in front of them (and they exchanged this awesome "WTF??" look); and Ryan actually had to tell people that it was okay to clap for her when it was apparent she had escaped the axe. She's a prize, that one.

So who did go?

Becky - was the first on the chop. I can't say she didn't deserve to go, but I was surprised that the Maxim girl didn't make it through at least one more round based purely on her looks. Bye-bye Becky.

Bobby - To the Moon, Bobby!!

Stevie - As expected.

Patrick - Not as expected. At least not for me. What a shame, because he really can sing. The more I think about the fact that Will and David are still in the competition and Patrick has to go, the more pissed I get about all the teenage girls who are voting for the boy they think is the cutest. And I bet Patrick got more votes than Brenna, but because of the stupid boys vs girls thing they think they've got going, he has to go. Disappointed!

One final thing. The LisaBot made a few chinks in the icy walls of my heart last night when she was visibly upset after Patrick was eliminated. Did you see that girl cry?

Either that, or she got a new emotion chip.


Michael Markowitz said...

Please oh please make Brenna go away

Anonymous said...

yes i agree with you i can't stand her, she was in the background making faces when the others were singing...

gina said...

Mike, don't you think I would if I could!?

I can't wait to see the Brenna trainwreck tonight. Oh, joy.