
How about a couple more Name Generators?

Super Hero Name Generator - this is completely random and requires no information from you. The first name that came up was The Sensual Infrared Soldier! Not bad, but not quite me, not the Super Hero name I wanted for myself. I continued to click until I found it - - The Elusive Drunken Lady! Fighting crime in bars everywhere, leaving no beer untouched. I'll need some dark sunglasses, a utility belt for my cigarettes, and a cape, of course.

If you prefer a more noble moniker, try the

Jedi Name Generator - you'll need to enter a little information about yourself in this one. My Jedi name? DARRE NODAN of the planet Claritin. LOL. A Jedi from a planet of allergy sufferers. Now, where did I put my hypo-allergenic light saber?

[links courtesy usr/bin/girl]

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