
In Chicken News...

B E N S A L E M, Pa. Did somebody X-out the tick-tack-toe-playing chickens at the Pennsylvania Fair?

Three of the six famed hens went missing last weekend.

Their owners and trainers, Kelly and Steve Boger, say they discovered the chickens' cages empty last Saturday. No other animals were missing.

The birds use a special cage to compete against fairgoers, who pay 25 cents a game to match wits at tick-tack-toe. If the chickens win, they get more feed.

If the thieves weren't interested in the birds' brainpower, they might have been eyeing them as snacks.

"People stand in line to play with these chickens," fair spokeswoman Carole Morganti told the Philadelphia Inquirer. "They are very fat."

[source: abcnews.com]

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