
Howdy. Just peeking in. Spent the entire weekend cleaning out and packing up. We got an incredible amount of work done, and that feels good. There's still a lot to do, but the workload is becoming more manageable.

Watched a bunch of new television this weekend. Quickly:

Wonderfalls - I like quirky, but this show might be a little too quirky for me - or maybe it's just the main character that's spiking the quirk-o-meter. She could very quickly get on my last nerve. I think I will give it one more try.

Touching Evil - Liked it. Not as much as the BBC original, but it could grow on me. Plus, it feels like wrapping myself in favorite blanket - a crime show with a slight paranormal edge, an off-kilter male lead, a by-the-book female partner that's filmed in Vancouver. You know what I'm talking about.

Deadwood - Second episode was last night, better than the first. If you can handle an abundance of foul language and a lot of really dirty naked people, it's worth it. HBO's done it again.

Renovations: I spent Friday night playing the the color scheme and smaller design notes here - like the buttons in the right column. I used this awesome button maker. Pay him a visit and see what you can do. I'm not settled on the final color scheme, but I like the buttons. I'd also like to spiff up my banner with an image of some sort, so that'll be another project (I have neither the photo-editing skills nor the software, so it'll be a while before I can come up with something I'd want to show the world). Then there's the task of distributing the design changes down into the subpages of the site, which I never did the last time...

Back to work. Maybe I'll sneak in a post or two, though. Have a good afternoon.

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