
You tell him, George.

Clooney, O'Reilly spar over tsunami telethon: "'I'm booking the talent for the Tsunami event... and you, Mr. O'Reilly, are now officially invited to be a presenter... [at this point, not one of the people I've invited to donate their time has said 'No']... this way, You can personally follow up on our fund raising... this is your chance to put your considerable money where your considerable mouth is... show up... help raise money... and if we're doing something wrong, point it out.'
'Either you ante up and help out AND be that watch dog that you feel we clearly need... or you simply stand on the sidelines and cast stones,' he wrote."

I watched the documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism this weekend. While I do think there is a liberal bent to the views of the people who produced the doc, there's no getting around the fact that FOX News Channel is anything but "Fair and Balanced". I don't care if you're a card-carrying liberal or a bible-thumping ultra-conservative - no one can claim that FNC is a balanced, objective source of news. Every tenet of objective journalism is stomped on, spit on and then thrown out the window on that network. I never liked O'Reilly, and after seeing 'Outfoxed', I can barely look at him.

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