
"That mail-order cowboy sat on his pimple in the rain, got himself catarrh, and went up the flume."

I turned on HBO last Sunday night, just before The Sopranos was to begin and I saw an ad for Deadwood. Wow, I've missed that show! I've missed Doc and Jane and Al and Wu and Seth and Sol and Trixie...but it won't be long before they're back. Season 3 is set to debut in June (no fixed date yet). If you need to catch up, or just need a refresher, it looks like season 1 is available On Demand. Hopefully they'll also put season 2 up as well as we get closer to the season 3 premiere.

OK, so, you may watch Deadwood, but Do You Speak Cowboy? I apparently do not - I only got a 4 out of 10. Now, if they had said ""That mail-order c*cks*cker sat on his f*cking pimple in the rain, got himself a catarrh, and went the f*ck up the flume," well, that would have been a different story.


Johnny_Canuck said...

Got 6 right..

I been searching for seas. 2 on DVD

You're right, That is a great show

gina said...

John, season 2 comes out on May 23. I knew you'd like it.