
Today's TV Talk

First things first, a reminder: Don't forget that tonight is the season 3 premiere of LOST (9:00 PM)! EW.com names it the "Must Watch of the Week":

We could say what happens in the season 3 opener...but then we couldn't run this quote from co-creator J.J. Abrams: ''The way it begins is my favorite kind of thing - it's the last thing you'll ever expect.'' Or this one from executive producer Damon Lindelof: ''Here's what you won't see: Globetrotters, zombies, the guy Meredith Grey didn't choose, coconut radios, Laura Palmer, Jack laughing, Desmond running naked through the jungle, the Others' Annual Talent Show, buttons, timers, electromagnetic anomalies, Cylons, cyclones, or Clones, nanobots, Captain Jack Sparrow, and time travel. And hell: It just wouldn't be Lost if we weren't lying.'' Oh, we don't know anything, anyway.

Next up: I watched Monday's episode of Heroes last night and wow, I really liked it! I see a really well-written, intricate storyline developing and I hope they can sustain it. So far, so good!

And of course, I watched the season 3 premiere of Veronica Mars last night. God I love that show. All of the kids are in college now and while some of the themes/issues are more mature, the basic feel of the show is the same.

I also wanted to mention that I am in love with my DVR. We watched a X-Men 3 on DVD (more on that later) and then watched Heroes while the DVR recorded VM. My TV and I are very happy right now.

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