
There are no words.

Someone must really hate beauty pageant contestant Stacy Hedger. This is a video of her "talent" and it involves Star Wars, lycra, pantomime and a trumpet. I kid you not.

(thanks, bunch of nerds)


Anonymous said...

That was the best laugh I had all day! How sad, lol.

gina said...

I still can't get through the thing. It's painful, lol.

Anonymous said...

I am a star wars fan and even I could not watch the whole thing. man o man

J said...

Awesome, simply awesome! No one even claps at the end.

My guess is that the person who posted this video was in LOVE with bitchy Stacy's captain of the football team boyfriend back in 1982.

gina said...

LOL! You watched the whole thing? You're a stronger woman than me, J.