
Excuse me as I let out a little geeky "Yay!"

"X-Files" stars, crew reunite for secretive sequel: "Fans of 'The X-Files' no longer have to rely on Internet rumors to seek the truth about a sequel to the 1998 movie based on the popular TV series. On Wednesday, Fox announced production will start December 10 on the sequel, which reunites the show's stars, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. The studio also picked July 25 as the U.S. release date."


Michael Markowitz said...

Best news EVER! When I read about it I, of course, thought of you. I'll see your yay and raise you a woo-hoo.

gina said...

I was going to say "I'll see your woo-hoo", but that sounds kinda dirty, so I think maybe you won this round. ;)

Michael Markowitz said...

lol. True. In fact, that exact phrase figures prominently in why I'm still not allowed within 100 yards of UCLA's sororities.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say I was excited about the X-Files movie, I love the chemistry between Mulder and Scully, but then I got a bit distracted by the above comments and I can't remember what else I wanted to say....