
Tim Kring tries to explain what went wrong with "Heroes"

''Heroes'' creator to fans: I'm super sorry: "[Tim Kring] was calling to explain why Heroes, suffering a creative decline and a 15 percent ratings drop from the same period last year, went from Human Torch hot to Iceman cold. The good news? A turnaround appears to be under way. After weeks of sluggish storytelling, the Nov. 5 episode recaptured some of last season's fanciful energy. We've also seen the next two episodes — and we like them, too. The cliff-hangers are back. Narrative purpose has been discovered. Old favorites like Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) and Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Jack Coleman) take center stage. Even more encouraging: Kring himself is keenly aware that Heroes is broken. "

That's encouraging, especially since I agree, Monday's episode was a vast improvement. It's finally going to return to form, just in time for the strike to grind things to a halt!

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