
Hulu, hulu you think you're foolin'?

Sorry, that goes through my head whenever I say Hulu.

I got my invitation to join the beta version the other day, and I have to say it's pretty cool! At Hulu.com you can watch streaming television shows from FOX, NBC, and their associated networks like USA, Bravo, Sci-Fi, FX and more. They have new episodes of Battlestar Galactica, 30 Rock, The Simpsons, The Office, 24, Heroes, and Bones (among many others), as well as classics like Buffy, Arrested Development, Lost in Space, Kojak, Miami Vice and Remington Steele. And you can embed clips, like this one:

Or this one:

I can't stop myself:

You can also create a playlist and I believe you can make your own clips. Oh, I can see myself wasting a lot of time with this.

Head over to Hulu.com now and get yourself on the list for a beta invitation.

1 comment:

J said...

Thanks Gina! I'm so excited...I was just thinking about AD last night and what a shame it is that they took it away from us. I'm on "the list" now. If I don't talk to you, Happy Turkey Day.