
TV Talk

Are you watching Sons of Anarchy? It's really a pretty good show. I like the way the story is building at a slow-burn, as they gradually weave all of the threads together. Gemma is still my favorite character, and last week's episode, which featured her prominently, was probably my favorite so far:

If you're interested in SOA and want to catch up, you can find the first 5 episodes at Hulu.

I'm still hanging in there with Fringe. It hasn't come together for me in the way that SOA has, but there are enough worthwhile moments in each episode and story elements in place to keep me coming back. John Noble as Walter Bishop continues to shine. Walter doing the sock-shock thing to Peter this week made me laugh out loud.

The first 5 episodes of Fringe are also up at Hulu.

I haven't watched Life On Mars yet, but I DVR'd both episodes and I hope to watch them this weekend. I'm also behind on Pushing Daisies, which I hope to remedy tonight.

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