
TV Talk: Correction

Yesterday I erroneously reported that Discovery's Deadliest Catch would be returning with new episodes last night. I was misinformed. The show's actually not returning until next Tuesday, April 14. Sorry about that!

One other thing...I sat down to watch Fringe at a little after 10:00 last night - after working on a serious problem with our wireless router - only to find that American Freakin' Idol ran over, A LOT, and my DVR didn't record the end of the episode. I was so mad!! And I was never able to fix the wireless problem so now we're Internet-less at home. I was not happy.

It was a really good episode. I hope I can find it online somewhere soon.


Hulu has the full episode up! To see the final 8 minutes or so, click the play button and then click on the far right dot in the play status bar. That will take you to the final commercial break before the end.

I was totally thinking that the boy was The Observer, who can perhaps somehow time travel, but maybe he's of the same "race", for lack of a better word. And maybe that's what the CIA guy meant when he said, "We found another one."

The show is really starting to hit its stride.

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