
What a colossal asshole.

DSS worker seeks pay for lunch hour lost to lockdown after Binghamton shootings:

Broome County employee confined by bosses to the Department of Social Services' building during the April 3 massacre at the nearby American Civic Association wants to be paid for his lunch hour.

The employee made a formal complaint last week to Broome's Personnel Department, confirmed Michael Klein, the director.
Klein said he denied the employee's complaint last week on the grounds that making DSS employees stay in their building during the shooting did not violate state labor laws or their union contract.

Bosses at DSS had pizza and beverages brought in during the four hours employees were confined to the building, from about 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., said DSS Commissioner Arthur Johnson.

And he's still looking to be compensated.

Wow. Just...Wow.

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