
Does anyone have or know anyone who has DirecTV? I was just browsing their site to see if they were a reasonable alternative to cable, and their deal seems just too good to be true. Our current setup includes about 65 channels, including local channels, plus HBO, HBO2 and Cinemax. Our service does not include BBC America or Turner Classic Movies, for example, channels that we would love to have. The cost per month: around $75.00.

Now, DirecTV. If we were to sign up now, we would get the system (antenna, receiver and remote) for free (special offer). The Total Choice package (the base package) has 110 channels, including BBC America, TCM, Independent Film Channel and a host of others I would watch. Price: $31.99/mo. If I want local channels added (and I can add them since I checked and they are available for my zip code): $6.00/mo. Do I want HBO (7 HBOs, that is)? Price: $12.00/mo. Total cost per month: $49.00/mo.

Has anyone heard anything about DirecTV? Any horror stories? Like I said, it just seems too good to be true.

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