

The final 11 episodes started airing this past Friday. I want to ask a favor. I would like to ask you to watch these episodes. If you like what you see, spread the word. There is still hope left that SciFi will pick up the show for another season, but only if the numbers are there. The Save Farscape folks have worked incredibly hard to keep this fight alive. I am going to occasionally post some of their to-do lists over the next several weeks. Please try to join in when you can. Here are some suggestions for what you can do (from savefarscape.com):


How many new viewers have Nielsen boxes is out of our hands. You're not a Nielsen family? Fine. Get yourself counted.

We've managed to keep a small stream of letters going until now, but to support the ratings -- whatever they are -- we're going to need to show some serious presence. This is as important now as it was in the days just after the cancellation. We need to go back to a constant, huge barrage, and not let up until 422 airs.

Remember, there's a new Head of Programming at SFC now, and he hasn't seen what this fandom can do. So let's show him. If all 4,660 of you that filled out the demographics survey do just this much every week, that's a veritable mountain of mail.

From now until 422, we're going to ask you to set aside one day of each week. Pick whatever day suits you best, it doesn't have to be Monday. On that day, do the following things:

1) Write two letters by hand (it can be the same) and send one to
Bonnie Hammer and one to Mark Stern. A short, positive review of the
ep you just saw is a great subject for this. Be encouraging, be
positive, be supportive. Schmooze. Say thanks. Remember: WE LOVE SCI-
FI. They funded Farscape for four seasons, and if they think there's
money to be made, they *will* fund a fifth.
2) Email a copy of the letter to each address below
3) Call SFC until you get through, even if it's just to leave a
4) Fax, if you have one available, one of the handwritten letters to
each number below.

Bonnie Hammer, President

Mark Stern, Head of Programming

Mailing address:
The SCI-FI Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Switchboard: 212-413-5000
Extensions = the first letters/numbers of the last name
Programming Phone: (212) 413-5821
Comment Line: (212) 413-5577
New Comment Line: 212-413-5679


Other Email addresses:
scifiweekly @ scifi.com
program @ www.scifi.com
feedback @ www.scifi.com
series @ usanetwork.com

We'd also like to ask everyone to start throwing some pennies into a jar and plan on sending at least one telegramme, after 422 airs. With the cliff they're bound to leave us hanging from, we don't think you're going to need a lot of prompting to tell SFC how badly you want to know the end.

To give you something lovely to write your letters on, Maayan has made watermark stationery of six main characters: John, Aeryn, Chiana, D'Argo, Rygel and Scorpius. The logo at the bottom says "I'm not Nielsen, I am Farscape." We strongly encourage you to use these. They're downloadable as PDFs at: http://the-janissary.com/SaveFarscape/FSWatermarks.html. Right-click to download, and don't worry if you don't see the image on your screen. It looks great printed, even in draft.

Above all, WATCH FARSCAPE. Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers to watch the show. Post about it to all the non-FS lists and boards you frequent (and don't hesitate to ask them to write letters as well -- some of them will!) Wear your Farscape pins, your t-shirts, drive around with your Farscape bumper stickers and car
wraps. It's a great show, be proud to be a fan.

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