
Drive-Thru Reviews

Recently-watched movies:

The Importance of Being Earnest-Enjoyable bit of romantic fluff. Reese Witherspoon's British accent is passable, Colin Firth is sexy-sexy and Rupert Everett has a really big head.
Donnie Darko-Deeply flawed but highly watchable. Great 80's soudntrack. Big, scary bunny. I think I understand what happened at the end.
Signs-Liked this one. Good idea to have the whole alien thing be incidental. Mel Gibson is believable as a reverend. Some truly scary moments, I thought, and some truly funny ones. Humor is something that was missing from Shyamalan's other films (Sixth Sense, Unbreakable)
Charlotte Gray-Best thing about this film was Cate Blachett (which can probably be said about most of her films, except, of course for LOTR). And the French village and countryside. I love WWII era stories/movies, however, and this one fit the usual bill: beautiful, plucky Brits, lots of cigarettes, Nazis, war-time romance and intrigue.
Songcatcher-This one's been on our new release wall at work for a while now, and starring Aidan Quinn, it naturally caught my eye. It was on Cinemax yesterday immediately following Charlotte Gray, so I settled in. At first, the somewhat stiff acting put me off, but it turned out to be a pretty interesting movie, basically about all women's issues in the context of the lives of mountain people. No new ground was covered but the music is a powerful part of the picture, and deserved to be so. And Aidan Quinn was in it.
Shallow Hal-Liked this one more than I thought I would. The Farrelly brothers seem to be growing up. A little. Gwyneth Paltrow does some great physical acting, and Jack Black is a fave of mine. And Jason Alexander plays an even bigger loser than George Costanza.
Have I seen The Two Towers again yet? No. Yes, I am hanging my head in shame. Believe it or not, I am too broke right now to spend even a matinee price on a film (all of the above movies were either free rentals from the store or on cable)! Hopefully that will be changing soon.

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