For whatever reason, I thought of the TV show "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" today. Oh, how I loved that show. I missed it during its first run from 1968-1970 (I was only 4 years old, for crying out loud); I watched the show in re-runs on Channel 38 (WSBK) out of Boston. I remember getting home from school and turning the TV on at around 4:00 every day. I think the Captain was one of my first crushes. I hadn't realized until today that the show only ran for 2 seasons. Or that Hope Lange won 2 Emmys. Or that Gull Cottage is a real place. God I wanted to live there.
Feel like reminiscing? Never heard of the show? Try these sites:
The G&MM Multimedia Collection
Macwombat's G&MM page
The G&MM Homepage
Now you'll have to excuse me. I have to go satisfy the sappy romantic in me as I browse through image galleries and episode lists.
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