
Fangirl Moment


Sorry. I can't help it.

ETA: I just found another one!


Anonymous said...

Oh, good lord.

I'm going to sound like a total geek here, but who cares. You know, nothing at all feels like this. No show has ever done it for me the way XF has. I am counting down the weeks to BSG in March, and looking forward to LOST in a big way. It takes seeing something like this, though, to really realize how nothing else comes close.

Thanks for making my day. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to see Mulder and Scully together again. They had such amazing chemistry on the show I was so surprised to read that they really were not close off the screen. I hope the new movie is better than the first, but you know I will see it no matter the reviews!

gina said...

I didn't realize how much I as looking forward to this movie until I saw these photos. Yay!

Anonymous said...

GRIN...and I think my heart skipped a beat.

Geeking out :)