
I need...toseethis!

William Shatner has just revealed to the town of Riverside, Iowa that they were set up for a new Spike reality show about a supposed new Shatner movie project: "Shatner and company chose Riverside, an old-fashioned Midwestern farming community with a population of 900, in large part because of its love for all things Trek--the town bills itself as the 'future birthplace of Captain Kirk' and hosts an annual festival gathering for Trekkers called Trek Fest.

Cameras captured on- and off-set hijinks of the faux production, with Shatner playing an over-the-top version of his usually hammy self. Locals were told that Invasion Iowa was an indie picture Shatner and Trek costar Leonard Nimoy (news) had been working on for more than 30 years.
Even local media were hosed, printing stories on Shatner finally getting the chance to make 'his baby.' One newspaper said that Shatner's pals at Priceline.com were even going to do a documentary on the making of Invasion Iowa for the DVD.

Aside from the unsuspecting townsfolk, Shatner was surrounded by an entourage that included stressed-out assistants, his spiritual advisor and a space cadet of a leading lady--all played by improvisational comedy actors."

The show will air next year.

1 comment:

Esther said...

I..surehope...that there's...amentionaboutthewhales!