
Idol Top 6: Performances

It's Night 1 of "Idol Gives Back"

Ryan says tonight's mentor is BONO! and in keeping with the theme, they'll be singing "Inspirational songs".

Chris - "Change the World"...Eric Claption. (hey! where's Bono?) It's a good song choice, and he tones down the nasally stuff in the beginning, but it starts to go off somewhere around the middle. It's going to be difficult to be too critical on a night like this, though, and the judges are nice. And he looks very cute in his suit jacket.

Melinda - "There Will Come a Day"..Faith Hill. (hey! where's Bono?) She is just unbelievable. I've never heard this song, but she almost made me cry. And she looks great.

Blake - "Imagine"...John Lennon. (still no Bono - they must be saving him for tomorrow night) It must be a special night - Blake's wearing jeans and not old man pants! Well, that was nice. He basically sang it note for note, but I agree with Paula, it's a simple song that should be sung simply. I don't think that was enough to pull him out of the Bottom 3, though.

Lakisha - "I Believe".. Fantasia. She was good. Better, certainly, than the judges thought she was. Still Bottom 3, I think.

Phil - "The Change"..Garth Brooks. Hey - It's the Addams' Fam-il-y! He stays in the country genre and it works for him, again. Nicely sung, especially if you don't look at him.

Jordin - "You'll Never Walk Alone"...She's wearing a beautiful dress and it's a beautiful performance. Not quite as earth-shatteringly good as Randy seems to think, but good enough to put her in the lead, I think. Especially with how emotional she was at the end.

They all did very well, which was good, because it would have sucked if the judges had to be mean on a night when they were trying so desperately to be nice.

I'll say the Bottom 3 will be Chris, Lakisha and Blake, and Chris and Lakisha are in a dead heat when it comes to getting booted off.

I'm going out to dinner tonight and I'm not sure when I'll be home, so I may be watching it tomorrow night. Tonight's results show is the 2-hour telethon show, from 8:00 - 10:00.

I'll let you know what's what tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm..yeah, Bono is the mentor yet we don't get to see any actual mentoring!!!! And 2 minutes at the end of the results - again, no actual musical mentoring to speak of...and the biggest let down, no musical performance by the mentor. (Although secretely I'm relieved. My man is waaaay too cool for AI!)