
LOST: Episode 3:16

"One of Us"

I LOVED this episode. I know I've complained many times about the addition of new, unnecessary characters to the story, but I just can't complain about Juliet and Benry. As characters, they are fascinating and the actors are incredible.

Juliet - What in the world is she up to?! I never trust her completely, but she was totally winning me over last night. She had me crying when she saw her sister on the video feed from Miami, for crying out loud! But I should have known better. That final scene of her with Benry in the wheelchair was amazing. I was nodding my head even while I was "Oh-my-God"-ing.

Actually, I think she's playing both sides right now (or at least I hope she is). It's pretty clear to me that her motivation for doing just about everything is finding a way off of the island. Perhaps she struck another deal with Benry? She could be doing Benry's bidding in the hope that he still has access to a way home.

While we don't know exactly what she's up to, we did get a lot of information about her:

She and Benry were not in a romantic relationship prior to the plane crash, as I thought;
She and Goodwin were. Weirdly enough, I think I was more grossed out by Goodwin in the bed than I would have been by seeing Benry;
She dragged Kate into the jungle and handcuffed herself to her last week;
She was not kidnapped by Mittelos but voluntarily drank the drugged OJ so she would be unconscious for the trip to the island;
She was brought to the island to research and treat the problem of pregnant island women dying after their immune system turns on the fetus, and she doesn't seem to have solved the problem yet;
She and Ethan were responsible for the Claire abduction and injections and, if you believe Juliet, for saving Claire's and Aaron's lives. So maybe she has solved the problem? Or perhaps the women die only if the child is conceived on the island?

Quick Thoughts

  • Will Claire have to continue receiving injections, or was this a one-off and the injection Juliet gave her negated the effect of the implant (in effect "shutting it off")?
  • Worst line of the night: "She's under my protection." Oh, give me a break.
  • The sign on the wall behind Juliet when she drinks the OJ reads "HERARAT Airlines". "Herarat" is an anagram for "Earhart". Hee.
  • Whether or not Juliet is evil, she was right about Sayid and Sawyer.
  • Benry and Juliet's visit to Mikhail's station was one of my favorites scenes this year, between Benry's snarky remarks on the way in and Juliet's reaction to seeing her sister alive.
  • At first I wondered who the "Richard" was in Miami that Benry was talking to about the video feed, but I looked it up today and he's Richard Alpert, the guy who recruited Juliet.
  • The mark on the tree where Juliet found the medicine bag is very similar to the mark on Juliet's back.
  • I enjoyed Kate and Sawyer's reunion on the beach. I never really cared about all the love triangle stuff before, but now I think they belong together.
  • Benry told Juliet he would see her in a week. Season finale, perhaps?
And now for your weekly dose of the Desmond:


gina said...
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gina said...

Do you mean no cancer at all, ever? Because I was thinking that maybe Benry lied to Juliet and Rachel's cancer never returned. Perhaps he lied and said Rachel was sick again so that he could pull the extortion on Juliet, promising her a cure for Rachel if she stayed.

gina said...

And another thing...

I find Elizabeth Mitchell's nose to be distracting - it's very obviously a nose job. Well, I just read that she broke her nose while making a movie (Frequency).

Anonymous said...

I also LOVED it last night.

I did not trust Juliet, and I think Jack is being an idiot (perhaps due to seeing Kate and Sawyer he is feeling like she would be a good match?). Even so, I was surprised at that last scene with Juliet and Benry.

I was happy for Sawyer that he got that hug from Kate after the cold shoulder she gave him before she went after Jack.

Also enjoyed the visit to Mikhail! Juliet was so touched to see her sister, but is being played by Benry. The "no cancer" theory is interesting.

I have a feeling Claire will be "cured", since Benry said see you in a week. Juliet said the problem with the dying mums/babies seemed to happen at conception, so maybe it is an island thing. I wonder if anyone will tell her Sun is pregnant, or tell Sun about the trouble with being pregnant on the island.

I think people who have given up on the show are missing a fabulous series of episodes.

Do you think they have an online game in store for this summer? I doubt it would be as massive as last summer, but I'd like something smaller to keep me interested.

Johnny_Canuck said...

I am glad the writers/producers decided to make a concerted effort to not have this show blow around like a fart in a windstorm. I agree with Beth, these are some of the best episodes -ever- on this show. Can hardly wait for next week. Is it the end of the season already next week?

Anonymous said...

I just read in Entertainment Weekly that next season LOST may not start until Jan 2008, and then run repeat free through the season. I like the idea of no repeats, but no LOST from May 2007 until Jan 2008? Ack!

gina said...

That is a long time to go without new episodes, Beth. But I think I like the idea of no repeats, at all. This portion of the season has been great, and they're really building a good momentum now. If they started skipping weeks here and there, the show would suffer for it.

Like 24, I think it's made to be show without repeats. I sort of wish they would run it from September to January instead of January to May.

gina said...

Oh, and John, it's not the season finale tonight. I think there are about 5 episodes left.