
Idol Top 4: Performances

Disclaimer: I am a BeeGees fan and I'm not ashamed to admit it (anymore), but I view their music the same way I do Elvis': No one but them should perform their songs. Anyone else comes off looking silly. Not because they're the best singers or anything, but because these songs were written with a specific singing style in mind and in most cases are a product of a specific moment in pop culture and do not transcend those obstacles easily.

This is going to be a rough night.

Round 1

Melinda - "Love You Inside and Out" Not the greatest song choice, and I agree with the judges, no big "wow" factor. It's unfortunate that just a solid vocal isn't enough.

Blake - "You Should Be Dancing"...He's totally gonna beat box this one, isn't he? Yep. What did I say about looking silly?

Lakisha - "Stayin' Alive"... Why in God's name would she choose to sing this? Oo, this is kind of rough, and too slow. These songs are not easy.

Jordin - "To Love Somebody"...Finally someone picked a good song, probably my favorite song of theirs. Tonight is going to boil down to song choice and Jordin just won the first round. She didn't sing any better than Melinda, but it had that wow thing, I think.

Round 2

Melinda - "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart"... my second favorite BeeGees song. Holy crap, that was just beautiful. Really nice. Way to snatch the glory, at least temporarily, from Jordin.

Blake - "This is Where I Came In"... I suppose he's got to establish himself as really different from the girls, but hoo-boy, methinks he may be writing his ticket home tonight. Blake represents the point at which the audience splits stylistically, though, so he may do fine if a lot of people enjoy his style of performing. Because for what it is, he does a good job.

Lakisha - "Run to Me"... Oo, another song I like! Not a great rendition. She should have stayed with the softer, higher voice throughout the performance, and sung it quietly and not rose to the usual shout-y part. It would have made more of an impression, I think. (whether or not she could sustain the higher notes, that might have been the problem) Simon is right, it's a toss up between her and Blake when it comes to going home tomorrow.

Jordin - "Woman in Love"...Her high notes are a bit piercing, and she kind of lost her way in the middle a little bit. Actually, it was really pretty bad.

Rough night, indeed. It'll be either Lakisha or Blake going home tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Barry Gibb? The man looks like a caveman these days...he should be in a Geico commercial (or play Ted's brother on Heroes). And what's up with those choppers of his? Are they new? Too big? It seemed like he was having trouble talking with them.

He drove me crazy when he kept saying that he couldn't imagine a girl singing the various songs (and then they'd win him over). I mean, SOME songs are really from one viewpoint or another but I didn't really feel that was the case with most of the songs he said it about.

I agree, Gina, it's foolish for folks to attempt many of the BeeGee's songs. This night was a bit of a drag :(
