
Idol Top 6: Performances, Again

It's a night of Bon Jovi music! I own not a single Bon Jovi album (that's "CD" for you youngins), but that doesn't mean I don't crank the volume when "Livin' On A Prayer" comes on the radio. Besides, he's smokin' hot.

Hey, Gina's in the audience! Hi, Gina!! It's sort of ironic that this is the show you're attending, isn't it?

Before we start, Ryan tells us that "Idol Gives Back" raised almost $70 million! That's awesome.

First up,

Phil - "Blaze of Glory"...Jon get the chills listening to him in the practice session. Someone should tell him that a drop in room temperature always happens when one of the undead enters a room. Anyway...Jeez, it's another really good night for him. Who'd have thought he would have come on so strong at the end? I agree with Randy, that's the best performance he's done on the show so far. Simon's wrong - Phil isn't going anywhere.

Jordin - "Livin' on a Prayer", a favorite in the thisisgina household. Jordin reminds Jon of just how old he really is when she tells him, "My mom is gonna flip out". Oh dear, who'd have thought this was such a hard song to sing? It's really out of her range or something. Ouch! This is AWFUL. Well, at least she knows it. And maybe I'm weird, but I thought she looked great.

Lakisha - We had a DVR mishap and missed Lakisha. I hear she was really good and she and Simon kissed! Of course we missed it. I hope she was good enough to stay.

Blake - "You Give Love a Bad Name"...He's going to do his own arrangement and Jon Bon Jovi ain't down wi'dat. Blake's got some big ones, I'll say that (no wait, those are socks, I forgot). I'm diggin' the dark hair and you know what? I think I liked that. Normally, I cannot STAND the beatboxing, but here...I think he was smart keeping that chorus intact. He took a huge risk and this week it paid off for him.

Chris - "Wanted Dead or Alive"...Not bad. But nowhere near as good as anyone else tonight (with the exception of Jordin). I think this was your swan song, Chris.

Melinda - "Have a Nice Day"...JBJ loves her. She's the person who I thought would struggle the most with the theme but of course she doesn't really struggle and she channels Tina Turner and she's awesome.

Oh God, a special message from the Bushes. Does this mean we can vote him off? Pretty please?

Do they do a Bottom 3 when there's onlly 6 left? If so, it's gonna be Chris, Lakisha and Phil again. We're losing 2 this week because of last week's charity reprieve, so say bye-bye to Chris and Lakisha.


~J said...

Lakisha was awesome. I don't think she's going home.

Blake, eh. He was the only one I fastfowarded through. Didn't like it at all.

I think going home will be Chris (he was easily way way way in the bottom two performances and hasn't he been in the bottom three 239802934 times?) and Jordin. Her hair was awesome. Her singing was not.

gina said...

I agree, those two were the worst of the night, but I think Jordin has a lot of momentum and she's going to get a significant number of sympathy votes. We shall see...

Anonymous said...

I agreed with Simon - you either would love or hate Blake. I hated him. HATED him!

Lakisha rocked the house. It was great to see her putting on such a strong performance. She deserves to stay.

Jordin had trouble, for sure, but based on past performances, she deserves to stay and then some. I would never base a vote (if I voted, lol) on just one performance and it would be a shame if she left because of one bad week.

Melinda - AWESOME. Always.

I would be happy to say goodbye to any combination of the guys and I would be very sad to see any of the women leaving. I don't think Lakisha should go much further, but she's better than any of the guys IMHO.


J said...

OK, I do give credit for the "risk" beat boxer blake took but I can't stand him! Argh. It did pain me a bit to have the thought, "Hmm, he looks a little like Simon LeBon with his hair like that" run through my mind. I HATE the way he turns his head to the right constantly and whips back to the mic. Yuck, yuck, yuck. And he has Shawn McGarry lips!

My dream is that the final 3 are all women. Jordin looked cool and she does not deserve to go home for one performance. I thought Lakisha would struggle but she was awesome! And she showed a little more personality, she really needs to smile more and have fun more. I can't get the Ogre comment out of my mind every time I see Melinda now....

Where am I? Work, right...back to work now...

gina said...

Blake is definitely a poser and I'm not sure I could deal with watching him sing a full version of a single.

Another thing to keep in mind for tonight is that they are combining the votes from last night with the votes from last week. I'd bet good money that Jordin got a lot of votes last week so, in combination with the sympathy vote I think she got last night, I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't in the top two.

I caught Lakisha's performance on YouTube tonight and everyone was right - she was incredible! I hope I'm wrong and she stays.