
Boston "holiday tree" stirs controversy: "Boston set off a furor this week when it officially renamed a giant tree erected in a city park a 'holiday tree' instead of a 'Christmas tree.' "

I have no qualms with the recent practice of retailers like Wal-Mart and Target changing the word "Christmas" to "Holiday" in their advertising and when they greet their customers. They have a diverse customer base and not everyone celebrates Christmas.

But this... come on! If that's a "holiday tree", then a menorah is a "holiday candelabra", okay? They can both be on the town green at the same time (and most times are). It is a holiday display that includes a Christmas tree and a menorah (and maybe something for Kwanzaa, but I don't know enough about it to say what that would be), and such a display celebrates our diversity and doesn't try to homogenize the whole thing by taking away the very thing that they are trying to acknowledge - our diversity. Am I making sense? I can't tell.

I say let everyone have a symbol in the holiday display that represents what they celebrate this time of year, what the hell; but don't make them call it anything other than what it is.

I swear, if Christmas didn't have the word "Christ" in it, this wouldn't be as much of an issue.

1 comment:

Johnny_Canuck said...

Political correctness aside, Holidays, to me, is when you load up the camper and air matresses and head for the lake for 2 weeks.

Who the hell does that at Christmas?