
The Man with Two Brains.

OK, so on last week's Alias...

~ Hip hip hooray! Evil Sloane is back. Kinda. It’s so nice to see Ron Rifkin able to do something besides beg for forgiveness. He is SO good when he’s evil. And subtle in the way he showed just a twinge of regret when he walked away from the Senator. But damn, when he was smiling at that girl and telling her she "skated like an angel"...just...EW.

~ I like Rachel and Marshall facing off over the tech. She seems to be able to pull off the intelligence, which surprised me. The scene between her and Syd at the beginning, about being a mother, was nice. There has been a lot of speculation on various message boards that Rachel is gay - the whole "he's not your type/no competition when it comes to men" conversation she had with Peyton - and I wonder if they're setting up a crush on Syd. They seem to be steering away from a romantic relationship between her and Grace, which I'm happy about. I think if Rachel was gay and she was crushing on Syd, it would be a great storyline.

~ Getty was good, but there’s something about his inflection, the way he talks – he seems to end all of his sentences “up”, with the emphasis on the last word. Other than that, I'm liking his character. I think the scene between him and Jack at the firing range was the best of the episode, and it had my favorite line: "Sorry I never met her, she sounds like my kind of woman." Ha!

~ So, the guy in the box. Am I crazy, or was DeSantis’ brain transplanted into Renee’s father’s body? They did mention the presence of that drug used to fight off organ transplant rejection. The guy playing him was in Carnivale and was creepy in that, too. If I remember correctly, he was shacked up with the bearded lady.

~ So, Sloane knows Dean. From way back? Has Sloane known about "The Shed" all along? Is Dean former SD6, or Alliance? Jack totally knows that Sloane is up to no good and I like that Dixon is in on that with him.

This week, Rachel goes solo.

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