
I swear, it was the Hamburglar!Ronald MacDonald Charged in Wendy's Theft - Yahoo! News: "MANCHESTER, N.H. - You'd think that just working at a Wendy's restaurant would be difficult for Ronald MacDonald. Now, the 22-year-old MacDonald, no relation to Ronald McDonald, the clown, has been charged with stealing money from a safe at the Wendy's.

Police said the restaurant manager called police early Monday, saying he found MacDonald and another employee taking money from the safe at about 1:30 a.m.

MacDonald and Steve Lemay, 20, both of Manchester, were detained at the store until police arrived."


Michael Markowitz said...

I think it would take Detective Goren about thirty seconds to clear this up: Ronald McDonald was framed... by the Hamburglar!

gina said...

LOL Michael - Goren knows all.

USA sucked me in last night again, and I watched 3 episodes, back-to-back, when I should have been doing laundry.