
Prepare the O.R. (and A.A.): Dr. Drake Is Back.

That's right ladies, Rick Springfield is returning to General Hospital this Friday, after a 20-year absence. I remember him being on the show, and that he had a thing with Bobbie, but I couldn't have told you more than that. Sheila, however, could. To wit, our coversation this morning (yelling from room to room):

ME: "Guess what?"
SHEILA: "What?"
ME: "Rick Springfield is coming back to General Hospital."
SHEILA: "Dr. Noah Drake?!"

Apparently, Dr. Drake is now a neurosurgeon with a serious drinking problem, living in Atlanta, and another returning character (Dr. Robin Scorpio, Robert daughter! I AM old!) heads south to bring him back to Port Charles to perform a surgery only he can do (or something like that).

I may have to tape this.


Johnny_Canuck said...

Does this mean he no longer wishes he had "Jessie's Girl"?

Cause I heard Jessie was getting a little pissed..

Esther said...

He was the only reason I used to watch that show, many moons back.

Now I want to hear 'Jessie's Girl' again.

gina said...

LOL, Krys! I can't remember if I had a specific crush on anyone on the show...I remember liking Dr. Jeff Webber (MacGyver!!), until he shot himself in the head. Oh, and Robert Scorpio!