
NYC, Here I Come.

My friend Jill from Seattle is in Manhattan for a class this week, and a couple of us locals have decided to meet up with her and do the touristy thing. I'll just be going to for tonight, and I'm leaving in about a half hour. I'm hoping to get a peek at the tree at Rockefeller Center, and maybe some good photos, if I can figure out how to shoot at night.

I'll be back in town tomorrow afternoon, but probably not back here until Monday. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Oh, and before I go...

Britney's Birthday Letter of Fug: "Yeah, so, I guess what happened was that last week, I brought the baby to the Peninsula and I actually seriously had lunch with Justin (so he could meet the baby and also my new boobs, oh yes, I said it) and oh my god, don't tell anyone, but he is still SO CUTE and I sort of think I might still be in love with him but I am scared to say that aloud, but seriously, how can he really be happy with that skinny crackhead Cameron Diaz? I mean, for one thing, she is OLD, but anyway, he told me really really seriously that he thought I was better off without Kevin and I thought about it and I thought about it and I realized that Justin is right because Kevin totally doesn't even care about what happens in our family, like he just laughed that I time I thought the dog was having her brother's babies and I can't be with a man who doesn't understand that incest is wrong. Plus he keeps taking money out of my purse."

Those GFY girls are running on all cylinders lately.

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