
LOST: "Not in Portland"

Until I can get a recap up, I thought I'd start a discussion of the episode. What did you think?

Me, I thought it was good. At first blush it seemed like just a lot of yelling and running around, but when I was talking to Holly about it this morning, I started to see it in a different light.

  • Do you think that Juliet's fertility miracles have anything to do with Sun's pregnancy?
  • What was up with Juliet's sister? She looked like she was undergoing cancer treatment, but then I wonder, why would anyone in their right mind try to get pregnant when they might be dying? I heard speculation is flying around that she used to be a "he", and that's why it's such a miracle. THAT would be interesting. And the casting choice would make a lot of sense - Robin Wiegert was Calamity Jane, after all.
  • So who's withered womb do you think was on the x-ray that the Mittelos guy was showing to Juliet in the interview? I'd say it was probably a woman from the island. Maybe for some reason they're all infertile and that's why they steal children?
  • Speaking of Mittelos, check it out: mittelosbioscience.org (I got a "service unavailable" message as of this post). Also of possible interest: "mittelos" is an anagram for "lost time"; and "mittelos" is German for "indigent". Who knows?
  • Any ideas about the re-programming/brainwashing room?
  • Like Edmund Burke, I had absolutely no idea that bus was coming. That was awesome.
  • Kate was really kick ass. I wish she would be like that more often.

OK, I think that's enough to start things off. The recap will be up soon.

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