
TV Talk

OK, so, was last night's Heroes their best so far, or what? Everything about it was good - the acting, the one-story focus, the special effects and oh man, the ending! It made me cry. Who do you think the Haitian is taking his orders from? Linderman, maybe? And how about Hiro's father?! So he's in The Company, too. I suppose that means that he can't be aware of Hiro's abilities or he would not have let him go, right? And did you notice where they were when Bennett was given Claire as a baby? On the roof of Simone's father's building. Does that mean that Simone's dad was in the company, too? And speaking of Simone, apologies to the actress that plays her but, I really hope that she's not alive. Maybe the promo was showing a dream that Peter or Isaac was having. Man, I can't wait for next week!

If anyone can point out some good things about last week's LOST, please leave a comment for me. I was just so disappointed in it. It was a filler episode, and I understand that those are necessary, but a filler episode can also be good. Maybe it was just the focus that I didn't enjoy - I rolled my eyes when I saw the Jack flashback. Granted, they didn't harp on his relationships with his father and wife, but it was still the same old theme, how he's a reluctant hero/leader, yadda yadda yadda...and the scene with Cindy and the kids was so frustrating! Couldn't he have at least asked her what it was she was 'watching'?? No, that would make too much sense. Instead of asking questions, he just screamed at her and chased them all away. Instead of telling them that Ana Lucia was murdered by the Others who they all think are so wonderful, he screamed at them and chased them away. And did we really need to know what his tattoo stands for? Really? What's worse, they only explained a portion of the tattoo - there's a whole section they have yet to explain! Gah!

I love LOST, but God it can be so frustrating sometimes.

So have any of you started watching Battlestar Galactica yet? Hmm? What are you waiting for?

Finally, this week's American Idol schedule:

Tonight, 8:00 - 9:30 P.M., the Top 10 Guys perform.
Tomorrow, 8:00 - 9:30 P.M., the Top 10 Girls perform.
Thursday, 8:00 - 9:00 P.M., The Top 10 Results show, 2 guys and 2 girls go home.

Note: I'm working on the comment publishing problem...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The worst part of last week's Lost was at the very end. We sat through all that crap about Bai Ling and the tattoo (by the way, most successful surgeons take a few years off to lie on the beach in Thailand, right?). At the end, the new Mommie Dearest other lady says "he walks among us, but he is not one of us" and Jack says, "that's what it says, but that's not what it means." (I am paraphrasing.)

What the hell?? I'll be damned if I have to sit through another episode about that tattoo!!!

I will comment on Heroes later, this week was amazing.