
"If idolatry offends you, look not to the left."

I caught up with Deadwood last night, and what a completely awesome and draining episode that was. I was already on emotional eggshells after Vonzelle's mini-breakdown on American Idol got me to crying and Deadwood just did me in.

Quick Idol remarks: Bo was hot in his second song, so I think he's safe, but it's anybody's guess, really, as to who among Carrie, Anthony and Vonzelle will be going home tonight. IMHO. If pressed, I'd say that Vonzelle will get the sympathy vote and Anthony will go.

On to Deadwood...I can't really remember all that much now that it comes to it. Briefly: Every scene in Doc's cabin was just heartbreaking - Timothy Olyphant was killing me, just killing me; Poor Tom Nuttall, crying in the alley under the stairs; Jane was happily sober, and compassionate, and funny; Al was back to his wonderful, cutthroat self; Doc's humanity is still a blessing as well as a curse, and he's still battling with the Almighty; and I say a huge thank you to the writers for the whole Richardson Antler Worship. I needed that laugh.

I want to re-watch, I think I need to, but I think a short interval away would be in order. Besides, LOST and Alias are on tonight!

A life? What? I should get one?

1 comment:

gina said...

What would you like to know? I may not know the answer either, but then again, I just might.