
Must be the French Chick.

From another e-mail written last week about the May 18 episode of LOST:

Alias was so fantastic that it sort of supplanted LOST in my thoughts, but I still wanted to mention how much I really enjoyed the episode. What a great night of television!

I know that most of it was just set up for next week’s 2 hour season finale, but it was still very entertaining.

The scene where Sawyer told Jack about meeting his father is I think my favorite scene in the show so far, and sealed the deal on Sawyer as my favorite (for now). God, Jack is a good cryer! Shirtless Sawyer was just gravy. Woo!

So the ‘black rock’ is a shipwreck? Not sure what that means, but it’s certainly not what I expected. And the monster is the island’s ‘security system’? Hmm.

I loved all of the goodbyes, and I’m so glad that Sun and Jin reconciled. I just hope he survives whatever happens on the raft next week, especially after he told Sun that Jack is a good one to have as a friend. Besides the fact that he’s more handsome than I think it is humanly possible to be, I really like his character and I don’t want him to go.

Finally, everyone is almost on the same boat, so to speak, as far as knowing what’s going on on the island. They’ve all met the French woman at least, and everyone’s aware of the hatch. It looks like next week they’ll all finally catch up with Locke and understand that it’s the island that is controlling things somehow.

Remember, LOST is on for 2 hours, from 8-10, and Alias from 10-11!

1 comment:

Esther said...

I want more Sawyer!Pants. Anything else, is gravy. lol

Oh, and thanks for the running times! I couldn't remember if either ep was 1 or 2 hours. :)