
Busy busy busy...

Just peeking my head in for a moment. We've begun the kitchen renovation - we did the demo on Saturday - and I'll post some "before and after" photos when I get home tonight. What a job that was - thanks to Adrienne, Ronnie and Tommy for coming over and lending a hand. Sheila and I would still be trying to get that first cabinet off the wall (and quietly weeping) if it wasn't for you guys.

The bulk of the installation and remodel is going to be done this weekend (hopefully!), and I'll be chronicling that in pictures for you, too.

The other project I was hoping to work on this past weekend was the move to the new Blogger, which is now out of beta. Unfortunately (or fortunately, who knows), I'm still unable to switch over because of the size of this blog. Can you believe I have over 3,500 posts!! Amazing. I guess Blogger isn't ready to convert the older, bigger blogs yet.

Anyway, once I do make the switchover, one of the improvements I'm looking forward to will be the ability to label and categorize posts, making them much easier for you guys to search and read. I don't think I'll be able to make the change retroactive, though. I'd love to be able to label all of my old American Idol or LOST posts so I can keep the "body of work" together, but as far as I can tell, that won't be possible. I think it's only a "going forward" sort of deal.

Anyway, things are still very busy at work and now they're picking up at home. If I'm missing in action for a day or two, don't worry, I'll be coming up for air soon enough.

Have a good day!

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