
Get pumped for the return of 24!

'24' gets the 'True Hollywood Story' treatment
: "The “ETHS” is more or less a cheerful clip job, with new and old interviews with various “24” folks cobbled together. There’s a lot on Kiefer Sutherland’s pre-“24” career, and interviews with various Fox executives and “24” producers, who talk about how nervous they were to hire the actor."

It airs on Saturday, January 13 at 5:00 P.M.


Michael Markowitz said...

I understand the cast of 24 will be on Larry King tonight... I knew you'd want to know!

Michael Markowitz said...

Is there any bigger come-down on Earth than tuning in doe 24 and finding NAOMI JUDD?????

Michael Markowitz said...

Of course I meant to say "to see 24"... Must not type with mittens on...

On another note, gina, my verification word is "vazaz"... I am thinking that that would be an EXCELLENT nickname for you.

gina said...

Thanks so much for the heads up, Mike! Luckily, I went to cnn.com last night a couple of hours before the show and saw that the Judds were on and Jack & Co. would be on tonight, lol. I plan on tuning in.

Vazaz, huh? LOL

Michael Markowitz said...

Hey, Vazaz, glad you knew about tonight, and glad you weren't suckered in last night like I was!