
Drive Thru Reviews

Mission Impossible III - I know, I said I would never watch another Tom Crusazy movie again, but I couldn't help myself - I love JJ Abrahams (the man behind Alias and LOST) and Sheila said it was good, so I rented it. And you know what? It was really good. Like the best Alias episode ever, but on steroids. And there are no man-bangs in sight.

Nanny McPhee - This was so good! I had no idea of what to expect and was pleasantly surprised to find a really sweet, whimsical movie that an adult can enjoy as well as a child. And the cast is filled with formidable and familiar Brits: Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Derek Jacobi, Imelda Staunton, Angela Lansbury and that adorable little boy from "Love, Actually". The story's told with a magical sweetness, yet still has a sense of reality about it. Oh, and the kids are really cute. See it if you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was also creeped out by the Nanny McPhee ads, but I think now I will give it a chance....