
Idol: Hunk 'o Burnin' Love

Last night's auditions came to us from Memphis and because of the State of the Union address it was short and sweet and that kind of made me happy. Because they had to squeeze two days into one hour, I think they had to leave out the 15 minute segments devoted to the whackjobs, and that was nice. Only one Elvis freak, but at least he didn't wear the costume and politely accepted his rejection.

The "performer" who made me laugh out loud was Miss "Confidentiality", whose breasts were about to ignite a Disco Inferno of their own, what with all the crazy bouncy friction that was going on.

And speaking of boobs, did you notice Simon's gigantic man-boobs?? Geez, that guy's got bigger breasts than me, and that's saying something.

Memphis gave us 22 potential Idols, more than Seattle or Minneapolis. Notable among them were a Castro look-alike who I foresee being this season's Elliot and a cute blonde who had a surprisingly bluesy voice but who I see out of the competition early on.

By far the best of the night, though, was Sundance Head. Dude was unbelievable. I thought' Simon's "blew Taylor out of the park" wasn't really necessary since they're not in the same competition, but you know what? He did. If he's the only person from Memphis who makes it to the top 12, it will have been worth the trip.

Tonight: New York City. And back to 2 hours.

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