
Cleaning, Drinking (too much) and Christening.

Not the most glamorous weekend, but certainly busy (and fun). My niece Hannah was the only person to use my computer this weekend. So I have a lot of catching up to do, including 2 BSG recaps and one LOST recap, which I'll set myself to doing when I get home tonight. I also took a load of photos this weekend that I'll be uploading and sharing soon.

So I hear the Academy Awards were on last night? I'm a bit of a contradiction, in that I love movies (and I mean love), but can't really stomach the Oscars. There are many reasons for that, the biggest probably being my distaste for the self-congratulatory nature of the thing (and all award shows). I also find them pretty irrelevant. I stay away and catch up on the results and the photos the next day, though. Which brings me to this:

"A pregnant Jennifer Garner clowns for photographers backstage in front of Oscar winner Ethan Van der Ryn at the 78th Academy Awards Sunday, March 5, 2006, in Los Angeles. "

That's a mistake, right?

And then, there's this. That's the result of some hard livin' right there. Damn.

(Link fixed!)


Michael Markowitz said...

I think it was a mistake, and should have read "obviously-nursing"...

As for J-Lo's inner monologue, I think she was probably thinking, "Damn, why is Miss Thing up there the Pretty Princess of the Universe with her handsome movie star husband and her beautiful baby, and I'm sitting here with too much spray-on-tan and this fugly unemployed husband who is actually chewing gum?!"

gina said...

LOL I think you're both right, it has got to be a mistake. She did look beautiful - I'd say motherhood agrees with her.

When I saw that thumbnail of EVH, I thought to myself, "Who is THAT hag?"

Esther said...

Jennifer looked so darn beautiful. She's gorgeous, anyhow.

Gina, just FYI, that the link for Mr. Eddie Van Hag is now pointing to a snow-covered castle. lol

Johnny_Canuck said...

What the bloody hell happened to Eddie Van Halen?
Cripe he gave up smoking and drinking...
maybe that's it

Michael Markowitz said...

Unfortunately, it's possible at least some of his rough appearance is not from partying, but from his tongue cancer. So, actually, indirectly....