
Idol: Blood Alcohol Results Show

“What did you tell me Simon? What did you tell me? Simon gave me advice and said on “The X Factor” he always refers to a fortune cookie and says the moth who finds the melon - finds the corn flake always finds the melon and one of you didn’t pick the right fortune.”

Paula, everyone's favorite substance abuser, was in rare form last night. The woman was LOOPED! And you know what? On any other night I would have been more fascinated than repulsed - it was really sort of rude for her to be so shitfaced and laughing at the kids whose lifelong dream of being a star has just been vaporized in front of millions of people.

I was very happy with the eliminations last night (3 for 4!) - Heather, Brenna and Kinnick were all in the bottom three for the girls, and Paula explained that Heather and Kinnick were there because one of them ate salad and the other ate pizza. Makes as much sense as any other thing that comes out of that woman's mouth. Ultimately it was Brenna and Heather who got the boot. Brenna was true to form right to the very end, showing absolutely no class whatsoever and whoring herself out to anyone who will take her (Clive! Call Nigel! Let's make some money! *spank*!) But she's GONE. I woke up this morning to life without Brenna. It's going to take some getting used to, but I think I'll be alright.

Heather never impressed me until she did her sing-out last night and was very gracious to her fellow contestants. That was nice. You'll be a very nice goat-owning accountant with bodacious tatas.

For the guys, the bottom 3 were Jellyfish Radford, Sway and Kevin, with Chicken Little Kevin surviving for another week. Goodbye, Jellyfish and Sway. I'm afraid I really won't miss you.

Next week - 8 girls, 8 guys and 4 more eliminations!

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