
Drive-Thru Reviews

The Constant Gardner - Very moving film in almost every sense - artistically, politically and most especially, emotionally. I didn't expect to cry as much as I did. I guess I'm emotional when I'm hungover. Rachel Weisz deserved her Oscar.

Hustle & Flow - Not an easy movie to watch, especially the way it portrays women, but Terrance Howard is mesmerizing and makes it all worth it. He's on my list of (current) favorites now.

Corpse Bride - The latest animated offering from Tim Burton. Being a fan of his, I enjoyed it, but it felt like the same old thing. This was good, but Nightmare Before Christmas was better.

Hero - I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful movie in my life. That said, there aren't many movies I have understood less than this one.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith - This was a good idea for a movie that was executed poorly. There were moments (like the car chase in the mini-van) where I could see what this could have been, but otherwise it was a below-average action movie. Amazingly I detected very little chemistry between Jolie and Pitt. Then again, with this being the movie that wrecked a marriage maybe I was expecting them to spontaneously combust or something. Anyway, one thing I did not know was that Vince Vaughn, of all people, played Pitt's friend. What planet have I been on?

1 comment:

gina said...

They were both really hot, but I just didn't sense a real chemistry between them. Like I said, though, I think my expectation of hotness was unrealistic ;).