
Drive Thru Reviews

28 Weeks Later - Definitely tense, definitely scary. And definitely one of the bloodiest, most gruesome movies I have ever seen. And I liked 28 Days Later. One scene in particular, involving helicopter rotor blades and some Benny Hana style chopping had me and Sheila screaming our heads off.

No Country for Old Men - I have always enjoyed the Coen Brothers' movies - Raizing Arizona being about the only movie in which I can stand Nicholas Cage - and this one was no exception. I can't say whether or not this movie deserved its Oscars more than the other films nominated because I haven't seen any of them, but I can say that this one was Oscar-worthy. A great morality tale and a story about men in a world on the cusp of change, and the harbinger of that change is Anton Chigurgh. It was another violent movie, but after 28 Weeks Later, this one was a cake walk. Can you say "de-sensitized"? Anyway, I'd like to rewatch this some day to pick up on all the threads of the metaphor and get a better sense of what the Coen Brothers were trying to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I really liked 28 Days Later (and not just 'cuz it starred Cillian Murphy, drool drool) but I was disappointed in 28 Weeks Later. That poor woman, having her husband abandon her, then kill her later in such a prolonged and gruesome way. And the way he kept popping up around town trying to get the kids. Ewww. I hear they're making a 28 months later, too.