
LOST: Episode 4.09 (Discussion)

The Shape of Things to Come

Holy Smoke Monster! Was that episode jam-packed with plot or what?? From what I understand, that's a result of the reduction in the number of post-strike episodes - they have to cram a lot into a shorter period of time. With that much action, it sure was exciting. It didn't feel like a straight-up LOST episode, but I still liked it.

  • Benry, Benry, Benry. You lay one hand on Penny, you'll break Desmond's heart, and that means I will have to come after you and hurt you. And you know I don't want to do that.

  • The flash forward had my mind spinning! Where did Benry come from when he "landed" in Tunisia? Why was he wearing a DHARMA parka (with the name "Halliwax" on it) and what was the injury to his arm? I think we'll be seeing what led up to that jump soon. Re: the parka - note that the polar bear remains that were found earlier this season were discovered in Tunisia.

  • I realized while watching Sawyer sweep Claire up into his arms and run with her back to Benry's house that I could never be rescued in such a romantic way. He'd have to do the fireman's carry to get me out of there and that's just not swoon-inducing at all.

  • Speaking of Sawyer, he was really great in this episode, so very brave and considerate. And speaking of Claire, come on, how did she survive that? Maybe she's like Michael and the island doesn't want her to die?

  • I was STUNNED when Keamy killed Alex.

  • And then I was STUNNED again when the smoke monster attacked. That was amazing! Where did Benry go to summon it? He was covered in black dirt or soot or something when he came back from his secret closet. Does the smoke monster have a lair or something?

  • Where did Benry get his fightin' skillz? He just keeps unfolding like a little pink, puffy flower, doesn't he?

  • Poor Sayid. After all this time he finally gets to be with Nadia, only to lose her again, this time permanently. I guess it's no wonder that Sayid would fall so easily into the vengeance trap that Benry seemed to set for him. This made Sayid a willing participant at first, and the reason makes sense. After seeing him turn Michael over to the Captain for working for Benry, I couldn't imagine what Benry could offer him that would turn him around so completely. Revenge for Nadia's murder is a pretty powerful enticement.

Alas, there was no Desmond this week, and thus no screencap to savor -- I mean, share. How about I dig into my Desmond Archives...

There, that's better.


Anonymous said...

I also really enjoyed last night's episode. I can't wait to see what this game is all about, between Ben and Widmore.

I was surprised to see Alex killed, not that I will miss her or her boyfriend. I think Russeau deserved better.

Sawyer was excellent this week. And I LOVED the smoke monster attack. But I HATED that Smokey didn't kill the bad guys. I'm sure there is a reason, but after seeing what he did to Mr. Eko (still miss him!) I wanted him to smash them up, too.

I can't wait to learn how Ben got to be what he is....

Great Recap!!

p.s. I am getting Hot Fuzz next time I am at the video store, hopefully this week. Did you get to Run, Fatboy, Run yet? I didn't, and the bad reviews are worrying me.

gina said...

I haven't seen RFR yet. Like you, though, I did see some bad reviews. :( Enjoy Hot Fuzz, though!

I'm with you, Beth - I won't miss Alex or Karl but I will be very dismayed if Rousseau is actually dead.

gina said...

I haven't seen RFR yet. Like you, though, I did see some bad reviews. :( Enjoy Hot Fuzz, though!

I'm with you, Beth - I won't miss Alex or Karl but I will be very dismayed if Rousseau is actually dead.